Events Formats

Exhibition Programme

Kunstverein Freiburg is intended as an open space for encounters, debates and cultural exchange. The programmes accompanying the exhibitions at the Kunstverein take the form of artist talks, lectures, readings, conversations, workshops, performances, film screenings and more, focussing on content and questions from each solo and group exhibition, discussing their backgrounds and forming new contextualisations. The events involve local people, initiatives and knowledge from within Freiburg, as well as invited theorists, scholars and artists from further afield. Collaborating partners from Freiburg have so far included: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Bernstein Center, BrainLinks-BrainTools, Chaos Computer Club, ‘Dear White People…,’ Feministische Geschichtswerkstatt (‘Feminist History Workshop’),, Institut für Grenzgebiete der Psychologie und Psychohygiene, Kommunales Kino, Literaturhaus and Roma Büro, among others.

Event Series

In addition to the programmes accompanying each exhibition, Kunstverein Freiburg offers further events with a focus on promoting local cultural exchange.

Till Ten Bar

On the first Thursday of every month, the Kunstverein hosts a bar evening. Till Ten is part of the artistic programme, providing a meeting place for the Freiburg art scene and serving as a framework for presentations, performances, workshops and discussions. The programme is conceptualised and realised by the Kunstverein’s artistic advisory board. Every two to four years, the space is redesigned by an artist with connections to Freiburg. Kriz Olbricht started everything off in 2018 with his spatial installation Blind Pig. Following this, in 2022, Laurie Mlodzik’s installation Brewsters’ transformed the space into a kind of homebrew tavern. Applications for presentations at the Till Ten Bar can be sent directly to the artistic advisory board at

Current design
2018–2021 design

Junge Kunstfreund*innen – Young Art Lovers

The Kunstverein Freiburg Junge Kunstfreund*innen are a group of young art enthusiasts who want to spark and foster a passion for art in other young adults. They meet regularly and collaborate on a varied, independent events programme that runs alongside the current exhibitions at Kunstverein Freiburg, primarily tailored to a younger audience. Their activities also include exhibition tours and visits to other art and cultural institutions in Freiburg and the surrounding area, as well as workshops.

Come and Dance

Come and Dance is a public dance and movement workshop led by performance artist and choreographer Emi Miyoshi, occurring once during each exhibition at Kunstverein Freiburg. The workshops are accompanied by a range of live musicians. Within the ‘white cube,’ that supposedly neutral exhibition space, it is primarily the eye and the mind that are engaged; here the space can be experienced physically. People of all ages, movement lovers, dancers, couch potatoes, as well as seemingly disembodied eyes with thinking apparatuses attached are all invited to move together in the Kunstverein’s spacious exhibition hall.

Studio Visit

The Studio Visit programme is a collaboration between four Freiburg art institutions: Galerie für Gegenwartskunst E-Werk, Kunstverein Freiburg, the Museum für Neue Kunst and the Paul Ege Art Collection (PEAC Museum). An open studio visit is on offer to the public once a month in Freiburg, organised and led by one of these four galleries. The visits offer the opportunity to gain an insight into the practice of artists in Freiburg and to talk about the works presented on the site of their production.

Members Invite

Members Invite is an initiative by the members of Kunstverein Freiburg. The programme offers lectures and excursions on topics beyond the scope of the current exhibition, and non-members are very much invited to attend. Proposals can be submitted to the Kunstverein team at

Members’ Meetings

Members’ meetings serve as a round table to discuss questions about contemporary art, the work of Kunstverein Freiburg and its social context. Members are invited to put forward topics, questions or suggestions or to propose events for the ‘Members Invite’ programme. The meeting should also offer an opportunity to learn more about the Kunstverein’s exhibitions and activities. In this way, pragmatic aspects of our work can be put up for discussion alongside questions about the exhibitions and the topics that they deal with.

Guest Events

Kunstverein Freiburg occasionally invites external cultural institutions or creative professionals to organise events on its premises. Concerts, performances and lectures forge connections to other disciplines, such as contemporary music and dance, or inspire discussion of questions regarding Freiburg’s cultural policy.

Events will be announced in our newsletter and on the website.

Admission is free to all Kunstverein Freiburg events.