Lukas Quietzsch and Philipp Simon Buffet of good causes (EN)

Lukas Quietzsch and Philipp Simon
Buffet of Good Causes
Thu, 6 Apr 2017, 7 pm

Lukas Quietzsch (*1985, Germany) and Philipp Simon (*1987, Germany) work independently from one another using imagery, objects, material and space or by working with texts. In their joint exhibition projects, they play authenticity signals and alienation mechanisms off against each other. In doing so, they cultivate contexts that go beyond commonly used strategies in artistic positioning. Since 2014, together with Monika Senz, they have been running the exhibition space LISZT in Berlin.

For Site Visit Quietzsch and Simon have planned an intervention that involves not only the Kunstverein’s office within the exhibition hall, but also the upper level’s surrounding balustrade. This places an intimate and personal area in direct contrast to an inaccessible and functional organisation. In a joint reading the artists will attempt, through a mixture of narrative and contemplation, to fill the seemingly interchangeable and hollow forms and figures which they positioned in the space. Within the texts themselves, the insinuated bipolar model in the spatial setting is turned against itself.

…It is important for us to give you an impression of how we understand the site visit, not only as part of our own work but also as an experiment. One of our main interests is the act of working together, but ultimately the visualisation and creation of new frames within another frame. In this particular case, the Kunstverein, in combination with your own curatorial idea in relation to Site Visit, to present artistic references and methods in a more organic, processable and progressive manner. We want to build a frame that allows for a multitude of perspectives in regard to these themes and starting points – a buffet of good causes.

Lukas Quietzsch and Philipp Simon in an e-mail to Heinrich Dietz on 21 Mar 2017

An edition has been released as part of the exhibition, available exclusively  to Kunstverein Freiburg members.