Lukas Quietzsch
Groß und Klein
22 Jan–6 Mar 2022
Lukas Quietzsch works predominantly in the medium of painting. The pieces for the exhibition Groß und Klein (Big and Small) were created in his home studio over the course of the past two years. The co-existence and pervasion of artistic, domestic and parental work appear within them as a central motif. This is driven by the question of how one can deal artistically with personality patterns that reproduce themselves in one’s own values and behaviours. Can rigid patterns be softened or hybridised?
Big and small – measure, scale, quantify. How else do we explain the world to our children?
Quietzsch negotiates visual codes and conditions of painting in a kind of emphatic analysis in which dualistic concepts such as affirmation and negation, uniqueness and uniformity, authenticity and staging dissolve in multi-perspective colour spaces. The gouache paints are repeatedly washed out during the painting process and leave behind an otherworldly shimmer of colour. Permeated by tipping points and disturbances, the images slowly unfurl their spaces of resonance. Associated temporalities, emerging possibilities mark the recognition of a motif, but the very next moment, the recognised eludes us and seems to be once again up for question.
Fri, 21 Jan 2022, 6 pm
Opening Night with Introduction by Heinrich Dietz, Curator
Thu, 10 Feb 2022, 7 pm
Curator’s Tour with Heinrich Dietz
Thu, 24 Feb 2022, 7 pm
Guided Tour with Theresa Rößler
Sat, 5 Mar 2022, 3 pm
Exhibition Tour with Gloria Hasnay and Heinrich Dietz